Wildlife Rehabilitation Practicum

Registration now closed

Are you interested in becoming a Tennessee wildlife rehabilitator,
volunteer, or are just starting out? Then this practicum is for you!

Join us every week (virtually and occasionally in person), as we build a
solid foundation in wildlife rehabilitation, and work through common
skills needed to meet our wild patients’ needs. Hours are best accompanied with in-person hours at a permitted wildlife rehabilitator near you.

These hours count towards your permit (see requirements here)

Course work will start at the end of November and includes (but isn’t limited to):

Week 1- (virtual) Wildlife Rehabilitation Introduction, permitting requirements, , One health, zoonotic disease, Compassion Fatigue, Record keeping,
Resources, Natural History

Week 2- (virtual) Basic Anatomy and Physiology (part 1)

Week 3- (virtual) Part 2 Anatomy & Physiology, Shock and Stress

Week 4- (virtual and in-person): Restraint and Handling, Triage, Physical Exam, Admissions, Euthanasia

Week 5- (virtual) Pharmacology, Calculating meds

Week 7- (virtual and in-Pprson) Fluid Therapy, Injections, gavaging, syringe feeding

Week 8- (virtual) Wound Care

Week 9- (virtual and In-person): Parasites and Fecals

Week 10- (virtual) Nutrition, Starvation, Emaciation, Formula, Nutritional Issues

Week 11-: (virtual) Continued Care, Evaluating patients, data, research, problem-solving Release

Breaks will be given during holidays

Office Hours, Extra Educational Videos, Supplemental Resources, Networking Opportunities

Resources will be shared via Google Classroom, and Homework is given to ensure you get hours.

Meet your main instructors:

Debbie Sykes, LVMT, CWR, FFCP- Elite

Debbie Sykes started as a volunteer at Wetland and Wildlife Care Center in 2006, and has been a wildlife rehabilitator since 2012 in Nashville, playing every role from volunteer to supervisor to director. She is currently the Director of Nashville Wildlife Conservation, an ER Veterinary Nurse at Veterinary Emergency Group, an instructor for the International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council, and the Exotics LVMT for Family Pet Health, a Fear Free Certified Practice. Previous roles include Assistant Animal Care Director at Walden’s Puddle Rehabilitation Center, the Behavior Technician for Veterinary Behavior Solutions, and in the Hoofstock Department at the Nashville Zoo. Debbie graduated from Northern Arizona University with a Bachelor of Science in Biology. Her career experiences have led her to focus on bringing awareness and increasing the quality of care for wildlife patients and educational ambassadors. She is always learning more and encourages others to always ask questions.

Rebecca Garner, CWR, LVMT

Rebecca Garner is an Iowa native that started her wildlife rehabilitation journey during her college career at Iowa State University. While earning her bachelor's degree in wildlife rehabilitation, she volunteered and then worked for the university's wildlife rehabilitation center. After college, she rehabbed wildlife all the way from Alaska to Australia and grew a special love for birds of prey. After moving to Nashville in 2019, Rebecca worked full time with Walden's Puddle Wildlife Rehab Center and now part time with Nashville Wildlife Conservation Center. She is also currently a full time licensed veterinary technician working in internal medicine at Nashville Veterinary Specialists. She encourages all those interested in wildlife rehabilitation to keep an open mind, never stop asking questions, and connect with your fellow rehabbers!

Additional resources/opportunities by:

Ziggy’s Tree (natural history of songbirds)

Lillie Birds Wildlife (natural history of bats, rodents)

Walden’s Puddle (hands-on opportunities and triage/physical exam)

Elisa Fosco with Wildlife In Need Center (Continued Care)