How do we help the animals that you rescued?
Step one
Each animal gets an initial triage, stabilized, and then an exam. With each exam, medications are given, and a plan is made. If the animal’s injuries are too severe, the animal is humanely euthanized to prevent suffering.
This bird hit a window, and received oxygen therapy, anti—inflammatories to treat brain swelling, and treatment for eye ulcers (it was later released).
Step two
All of our patients receive a home, proper nutrition, and daily care tailored to their natural history. We keep up to date with research, and are constantly evaluating our protocols to ensure they are getting the best care.
This eastern box turtle receives lots of natural enrichment, proper light and heat, and specific nutrition (including “turtle salad” and gut-loaded insects). He gets to exercise daily outside so that he’s athletically fit for release.
Step three
We do everything in our power to ensure our animals get to release.
This eastern box turtle received accupuncture to help with her hind-end paralysis. Each treatment costs $125, and they need a minimum of four treatments.
Did you know?
We receive no state or federal funding, so everything we are able to accomplish is thanks to your generosity!